Monday, 9 June 2014

Ninth Annual Chant Workshop


Friday, August 22-Saturday, August 23, the Gregorian Institute of Canada will host its Ninth Annual Chant Workshop at St. Mary's Anglican Church and Holy Rosary Cathedral in Regina. Chant is one of the oldest surviving forms of choral music. In addition to being incredibly beautiful, chant has influenced the entire history of western music -- from compositions by Bach to Mozart, Beethoven, Liszt, Bruckner, and Stravinsky, to name only a few.

In two full days of workshops, participants will learn chant notation, ancient chant melodies, as well as sing chant-inspired choral music by Palestrina and others. The guest workshop leader is one of North America's chant experts, Alison Altstatt from the University of Northern Iowa. Each evening ends by putting chant into its original context -- a chanted service (Compline) that demonstrates how the great composers of the western tradition would have first encountered chant.  The sung service of Compline has been sung for more than a thousand years, usually by candlelight, as a way of peacefully ending the day and preparing for sleep.

For more information or to register, go to

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