Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Join the Conversation!

Improvisation in Choral Music

It's not often that 'improvisation' is used in the same breath as 'choral music'.  Let's continue to explore what it means to 'sing' choral music in the 21st century.  This Thursday, join Chris Tonelli, ethnomusicologist and improvising sound singer, at 8-10pm (EST) as he hosts the online discussion, 'Improvisational Methods and Choral Communities.'  We will be joined by Christine Duncan (vocal improviser and conductor of the Element Choir), Gerard Yun (improviser, choral conductor at Conrad Grebel University College and Wilfred Laurier University, and Artistic Director of the East-West concert series), and Gary Diggins (improviser, and co-director of the Sotto Voce vocal workshops). For a portion of the session, via Skype, we will be joined by Kathy Kennedy (improvising vocalist, director of Choeur Maha and global HMMM events).

For more on Christine Duncan see:

on Gerard Yun see:

on Gary Diggins see:

and on Kathy Kennedy see:

Anyone who would like to prepare for the discussion can peruse the websites above and/or
explore the discussion thread at The group is free and open to all.

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