Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Ukrainian Choral Conductors' Seminar Edmonton Alberta August 9 - 18, 2013

Inviting church and community choirs!

This year, the Ukrainian Music Society of Alberta, founded in 1972, and incorporated in 1980, is celebrating its 40th anniversary. During this time, UMSA has initiated, produced, and coordinated a wide variety of Ukrainian activities. One of its major projects was the Ukrainian Choral Conductors’ Seminar in Edmonton (1979-1997), with participants from Canada, the U.S., Australia, Argentina, Italy, and Ukraine – 211 in all. These young conductors were given the opportunity to improve their conducting skills and were exposed to historical backgrounds of all facets of Ukrainian music. The seminars were directed by Maestro Wolodymyr Kolesnyk of Toronto, formerly of Kyiv.

In August 9-18, 2013, UMSA is organizing a continuation on this important work – a Ukrainian Choral Conductors’ Seminar, in St. John’s Institute, Edmonton. The main instructors will be Maestro Laurence Ewashko of Ottawa, Prof. Mstyslav Yurchenko, of Kyiv, a specialist in liturgical tradition, especially of Maksym Berezovsky, and also, Irena Szmihelsky, music teacher and Conductor of the Dnipro Choir, and Dr. Melanie Turgeon, Associate Professor and Choral Conductor at King’s University College, both of Edmonton.

Seminar lectures to include the following topics: Individual/private Conducting Lessons and practical work with Seminar Choir, Vocal Technique, Liturgical Music, Overview of Ukrainian Choral music, Score Analysis and Rehearsal Technique. (We foresee that the sessions will be bilingual, since Prof. Yurchenko speaks English.)

Repetoire will include the following genres: Sacred, Folk, Multi-movement works, Contemporary and Original compositions. We are also inviting local singers-volunteers to form the seminar choir.

Seminar Fees: $375 Early Bird by May 30, 2013; $450 after May 30 to June 30, 2013. Accommodations available at St. John’s Institute.

We hope that this choral seminar will give established and aspiring conductors a fresh exposure to the treasures of a great Ukrainian choral heritage. For additional information, phone Luba Boyko-Bell at (780) 469-4890 or e-mail

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