Dear Choral Colleagues,
The 2014 National Youth Choir, consisting of singers from every province and territory in Canada, will gather in Nova Scotia for a week-long residency this May with guest conductor Hilary Apfelstadt, Director of Choral Programs at the University of Toronto, before embarking on a tour of the Maritime Provinces culminating in a gala final performance at Podium 2014 in Halifax.
The budget for this major project runs in excess of $83,000 and covers professional fees for the conductor and accompanist, a new work by Canadian composer, Peter Togni, commissioned especially for NYC 2014 and music, travel and accommodation for 40+ singers and up to 5 staff every day for two weeks.
The NYC Committee and ACCC administration are continuing to work diligently to secure funding for this vital programme, and although there have been some positive results, cutbacks to the arts and non-profit sectors are increasing as government on all levels pare back funding in these areas. This is why we are reaching out to our national choral community, to those people who most recognize and appreciate the value of the National Youth Choir program.
For $85 you can send one singer to the Podium Gala Banquet. A gift of $100 will cover the cost of one night's accommodation and meals for one singer. Or, join our "Adopt a Singer" programme and sponsor one singer for $500! Each and every donation, in any amount, will be sincerely appreciated.
Click on
Canada Helps to make a secure and immediate contribution. You will receive a charitable Income Tax receipt via e-mail directly from Canada Helps and your donation will be gratefully acknowledged in the NYC programme.
If you prefer you may make a cheque payable to the Canadian Choral Foundation, designate it for NYC and mail to:
A-1422 Bayview Avenue
Toronto, ON
M4G 3A7
Thank you in advance for your generous support for the 2014 NYC,
Robert Neufeld
NYC Chair