Tuesday, 30 April 2013

We're Still Looking For Music Camp Clinicians!

We're excited for summer and hope you are too!  If you're looking for a fun and rewarding experience teaching music this summer, we would love to hear from you! 

We're looking for qualified instructors to teach lessons in the following areas:
  • Voice/Choral
  • Dance/Choreography
  • Percussion/Orff
  • Hand Drumming
  • First Nations Storytelling 
When: July 2 - 5, 2013 (Orientation on July 1st); 8:30am - 4:30pm

Click here for more information or contact the SCF office at 1-877-624-0275 or email information@saskchoral.ca

Provincial Honour Groups 2013 Update


I would like to thank everyone who supported the 2012 Saskatchewan Honour Groups by encouraging students to audition. We are confident that the fun and learning of those fantastic ensembles will continue with the 2013 Saskatchewan Honour Groups. With your participation 2013 will be a very memorable and rewarding experience for all involved. We are pleased to announce the 2013 Honour Band will be under the direction of Clinton Marshall and the 2013 Honour Choir will be under the direction of Lee Willingham.

Choir, Band and Orchestra have different recommendation/audition requirements for participants.

SmartMusic is available (email g.steen.smea@sasktel.net) to band/choir/private teachers to allow a auditionee(s) to practice/develop and record his/her Honour Group audition on MP3 and email it. The choir and band repertoire will be supported for SmartMusic and other innovative student support for 2013, meaning students can be comfortably prepared. 

To provide this technology to students we are asking band directors to survey all students interested in auditioning. 
Band Students need to submit an audition by May 15. Choir recommendations by May 15th also please.

Please contact HG Chair: Lenora Bells <lenora.bells@gmail.com> with any questions or concerns you may have. 

We look forward to hearing the Honour Groups and watching Clinton Marshall and Lee Willingham work with the ensembles in the fall of 2013. 

Have a great summer!

http://www.musiceducationonline.org/smea/honour.html or Honour Groups on musiCLOUD.ca

Warm Regards

Lenora Bells 
2013 Honour Groups Chair

Upcoming Concert!

The Music's Always There 

Regina Ladies' Choir

Saturday May11, 2013
 2:00pm & 8:00pm

Whitmore Park United Church,
336 Durham Drive, Regina

The Regina Ladies' Choir is performing their annual Tea Musicale concert with a celebration of music through the decades to commemorate the choir's 80 year history. Special Guest is Kristian Wenaus, violinist. Coffee, tea, and goodies follow each performance. 

Contact Wendy (306) 546-2616 for ticket information
Tickets are $12.00 per person and are available from choir members, Bach & Beyond, and Cobb Swanson Music, with limited tickets available at the door.

Monday, 29 April 2013

Have You Applied For The Nova Voce Scholarship?

If you are in the early stages of your choral conducting career, consider applying for the Nova Voce Scholarship.  The Nova Voce Scholarship recognizes an individual in the early stages of their development as a choral conductor, who has the potential to make a significant contribution to choral music throughout the life of their career.  SCF is accepting applications until September 1st.

 >> Click here for more information

Board Of Director Nominations Are Now Being Accepted

Reminder that Board of Director nominations are being accepted now until October 1st.  Saskatchewan Choral Federation will be filling five vacant Board of Director positions this fall.  Elections take place at the Annual General Meeting on November 9, 2013 at the Delta Regina.  If you'd like to find out more about the positions, responsibilities and requirements, please contact Denise at (306) 780-9230.

>> Click here for nomination forms

Sing Commander Chris Hadfield's Music Monday Song

Music Monday, Canada’s annual celebration of music education is making history on May 6 with a live concert linking hundreds of thousands of students across Canada with Commander Chris Hadfield aboard the International Space Station.

The Ontario Science Centre in Toronto will be Music Monday’s “base station” with a concert featuring performances by Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Astronaut Chris Hadfield, The Wexford Gleeks choir from Wexford Collegiate School for the Arts, West Humber Collegiate Institute Steel Pan Band; Emilie Mover and band; Melanie Doane and the Toronto “A” Ukulele ensemble; MMR Drumline; E.C. Drury School for the Deaf  and the Chris Hadfield Public School choir.

The concert will begin at 12:00 p.m. and build to a live link at 1:00 p.m. with Commander Hadfield on the International Space Station when he will celebrate with music makers across Canada and sing the official Music Monday song – I.S.S. (Is Somebody Singing). Commander Hadfield is inviting music makers throughout Canada via a video message to sing their song on Music Monday.

To see a special invitation to the Music Monday event from Chris Hadfield, click here.

Complete Press Release

Call for Proposals

The Canadian New Music Network has launched a CALL FOR PROPOSALS for the 6th national FORUM being held January 24 to 26, 2014 in Calgary, Alberta.

We are looking for proposals from the entire new music community –-
performers, improvisers, educators, presenters, composers, ensembles,
administrators, agents, producers, researchers, publishers, etc –-

Deadline August 15, 2013.

Full details online:

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Upcoming Music Fundraiser

The North Central Kids Music Program is having a fundraiser!

STEAK NIGHT (8 oz steak, ceasar salad, roast potatoes, mushrooms, garlic toast, 12 oz draft or pop or coffee or tea)

at THE 4 SEASONS (909 E Arcola Ave, Regina)

6 – 9 pm,  Tuesday, May 7

Tickets are $20

Call  306 545-3737

Upcoming Concert!

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Have you registered yet?

If you haven't registered for Music for the Sole yet, make sure you do so before next week - registration closes on Wednesday, April 17!

To register, visit http://www.events.runningroom.com/site/?raceId=8744

We're also looking for more volunteers! If you'd like to help out with a great event, please sign up at http://tinyurl.com/musicforthesolevolunteer or contact the SCF office at 1-877-924-6725 or email information@saskchoral.ca

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

The Atlantic Voices Choral Composition Contest 2013

Atlantic Voices: The Newfoundland and Labrador Choir of Ottawa is a mixed-voice (SATB) community choir that sings music from and about Atlantic Canada. This is our third Choral Composition Contest, and the choir is looking for quality choral music with an East Coast flavour. We are offering two prizes, a 1st prize of $500 and a 2nd prize of $200, for original choral works by Canadian composers. The winning works will be programmed on Atlantic Voices’ Spring 2014 concert. This competition is open to all residents of Canada, of all backgrounds and all ages. Note:
the winning entrant need not have a particular connection to the Atlantic region.

Contest submissions must fall into one of the following categories:

  • An arrangement of a folksong or set of folksongs from one of the Atlantic Provinces (Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, or Prince Edward Island);
  • An original choral composition based on a text with an obvious direct connection to Canada’s East Coast. This may include a text by an East Coast writer or a text with Atlantic Canadian subject matter. If in doubt concerning the suitability of a proposed text, please contact director@atlanticvoices.ca for clarification.

All styles of composition will be considered, but one of the judging criteria is the suitability of the work for performance by Atlantic Voices, so entrants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with our choir and particularly with some of our recent concert programmes. In addition, although all submissions will be accepted and adjudicated equally, entrants are strongly encouraged to avoid submitting new arrangements of songs which have already been repeatedly arranged for choral performance or songs which Atlantic Voices has previously performed on multiple occasions. For a list of choral arrangements that Atlantic Voices has performed please visit our website: www.atlanticvoices.ca.

The arrangement being submitted must not have been previously published for any choral combination (SSA, SSAB, SAB, SATB, etc.).

The composition or song cycle should be no more than 6 minutes in length.

Works for any of the following voicings will be considered: SATB, SAB, SSAA, SA. The composition may be unaccompanied or have piano accompaniment. Instrumental obligato may be included; however, please avoid extensive solo voice parts.

The work should be of no more than moderate difficulty -- it should be within the capabilities of our volunteer community choir.

If the text and music are not in the public domain, it is up to the entrant to ensure that he or she has the right to use the text and/or music in his or her work and be prepared to show supporting documentation.

The entrant must acknowledge anyone who has aided substantially in the creation of the work, such as a co-arranger or a teacher who has provided a substantial creative contribution and could conceivably claim rights to the work.  (Please note that multiple composers will not be awarded
multiple prizes. In such a case, a single cash prize would be awarded, and it would be up to the parties to determine equitable distribution of the funds.)

Entries will be judged blindly on quality of musical ideas, competency of choral writing, and appropriateness for performance by Atlantic Voices. In order to maintain anonymity in the judging process, the composer/entrant’s name should not appear on the score, but only on a detachable cover page. The detachable cover page should clearly indicate the name of the submission, the name of the composer/arranger, and the number of pages in the score. The submission should include only the name of the piece, on each page, and the page number should be clearly indicated. Please avoid submitting entries under a pseudonym.

The choir reserves the right to ask for modifications to a prospective winning entry before awarding either of the prizes. Entries will be reviewed initially by a two-person panel consisting of Atlantic Voices’ Director and one other qualifying choral director/adjudicator, chosen by Atlantic Voices. The panel will provide the executive of Atlantic Voices with a shortlist of entries. The executive, together with Atlantic Voices’ Director, will determine the awarding of the two prizes. Should no submitted work be deemed deserving of an award, or should only one work be judged deserving, Atlantic Voices reserves the right not to award one or both of the cash prizes.

Atlantic Voices may choose, at a later date, to program a non-winning entry into a scheduled concert.  In this circumstance, Atlantic Voices will contact the entrant to arrange for permission and/or modifications to the score and to make arrangements for financial remunerations.

The choir is interested in developing long-term connections with promising new choral composers and arrangers, and so we encourage entrants to send the organizers a brief c.v. and/or bio. However, you need not send any supporting documents, and the prior experience or musical reputation of
the contest entrant will not be taken into account in the judging.

Please submit your work in musical score, preferably produced through music notation software. Entries in the form of sound recordings will not be accepted (no CDs, please).

Please provide your mailing address, phone number, and an e-mail address for contest correspondence. Atlantic Voices shall not be held responsible for late, lost, damaged, misdirected, postage due, stolen, or misappropriated entries.

Copyright for all entries will remain with the composer; however submitted scores become the physical property of Atlantic Voices, and will not be returned to entrants. The choir will have the exclusive right to perform the winning compositions for 2 years. By submitting an entry to the
contest, the entrant agrees to be bound by Atlantic Voices’ Choral Composition Contest entry rules and regulations established herein. Entry into this contest constitutes permission to use winner's name for future advertising and publicity purposes without additional compensation.

Contest entries must be received electronically or postmarked no later than October 31st, 2013.  Late submissions will not be accepted. Changes or modifications to any submitted score will be accepted until midnight on the closing day of the contest, October 31, 2013.

If mailing your work, please send one copy of each entry to:
Atlantic Voices Choral Composition Contest 2013
82 Prince Albert Street
Ottawa, ON
K1K 2A1

Submissions in pdf format are also welcome. Please e-mail to:
director@atlanticvoices.ca and cc president@atlanticvoices.ca.

Upcoming Concert!



Come celebrate with Prairie Gold Chorus and guests!
Take a walk down memory lane with 30 years in review,
experience an evening of fun, friendship and great entertainment.

DATE:  Saturday, June 15, 2013
TIME:  7:30 PM                         
PLACE:  Sheldon Williams Collegiate
                2602 Coronation Street, Regina, SK
COST:  $20.00

Tickets may be purchased at:
Bach & Beyond
Cobb Swanson Music

For more information and or tickets please contact
Pearl @ 306-565-0805
Jane @ 306-731-3267
Maureen @ 306-545-5792

Friday, 5 April 2013

Congratulations Choirs!

Congratulations to

University of Saskatchewan Greystone Singers
Winston Knoll Collegiate Choirs
Swift Current Oratorio Choir

These choirs will be receiving grants from the Saskatchewan Choral Federation for the singers from their choirs who have collected pledges for Music for the Sole on Saturday, April 20.  We'll see you there!

Click here for more information and to register!