Thursday, 28 March 2013

Music for the Sole is coming up fast! Have you registered yet?

Music for the Sole is only 16 days away!

Choirs don't miss your chance to be a part of the first Music for the Sole fundraiser walk/run. Deadline to register is April 17, 2013.

About fundraising:
Choristers indicate which choir they will collect pledges towards when they sign up and their choir will receive up to 60% of funds raised.  The more choristers who register, the greater your potential return!

Click here for more information and to register online.

Saskatchewan Youth Choir

Teachers! It's time to submit applications for the first Saskatchewan Youth Choir! 

Saskatchewan Youth Choir is an exciting opportunity for talented young Saskatchewan singers in grades 9 – 12 to sing together under the direction of a renowned Canadian choral conductor. This provincial choir program will give your students the opportunity to sing in an SATB balanced choir with the best of the best from across Saskatchewan. It will develop singers ready to participate in premier local and national choirs.

Size: 24 – 36 singers

Dates: September 2013 – February 2014

Deadline to apply is June 1, 2013. 

Click here for more information

We Need Music Clinicians!

Wanted: Music Camp Counsellors!

Buying New Music? Consider Cost-Sharing!

If you've begun the search for next year's repertoire, consider the Library Cost-Share Program before you buy!  Submit an application for the music you would like to purchase and you could have 75% of the costs covered by SCF!

Click here to apply and for more information

Scholarship Opportunity!

SCF is accepting applications for the Nova Voce Scholarship.  The Nova Voce Scholarship recognizes an individual in the early stages of choral conducting development who has the potential to make a significant contribution to choral music throughout the life of their career.  The deadline to apply is September 1st.
>> Click here for more information

Adult Summer Choral Workshops

We are looking to do Adult Summer Choral Workshops.  Plans are still in the works.  If interested, please email for more information.

Call for Recognition Award Nominations

Has one of your choristers or volunteers done an exemplary job this year?

SCF is now accepting nominations for Choral Recognition Awards - this is your chance to nominate a colleague for an award!

Pro Musica Award recognizes exemplary service to choral music in Saskatchewan.
Golden Note Award recognizes individuals who have contributed to the cultural life of Saskatchewan by their 25+ years participation in the choral arts as a singer or conductor.
Community Service Award recognizes an individual or group who has contributed to the development of choral music in their community.

The deadline for nominations for all awards is September 1st.

>> For more information & forms, click here

Call for Board of Directors Nominations

Saskatchewan Choral Federation will be filling five vacant Board of Director positions this fall.  Elections take place at the Annual General Meeting on November 9, 2013 at the Delta Regina.  If you'd like to find out more about the positions, responsibilities and requirements, please contact Denise at (306) 780-9230.  Nomination forms are due October 1st.
>> Click here for nomination forms

Upcoming Concert!

Call for Singers!

Saskatoon Children’s Choir Auditions

for 2013-2014 Performing Season

The Saskatoon Children’s Choir auditions for 2013-2014 performing season will take place on May 10, 11 and 25, 2013. The Saskatoon Children’s Choir offers young singers a rich and challenging experience. All young people who enjoy singing are welcome to audition.

The choir has earned an international reputation for artistic excellence and creative performance practices that focus on initiatives promoting global understanding. It has performed on choral stages in Europe, Asia, the United States, South Africa, and across Canada.

The Saskatoon Children’s Choir has three choirs: Preparatory Choir for children aged 7-9, Apprentice Choir for children aged 8-13 and Concert Choir for young people aged 12-16.
Please call 306-249-3927 to book an audition or for more information. Visit the choir website at

Upcoming Concert!

Saskatoon Children’s Choir In Concert

“Rise Up Singing!”

The Saskatoon Children’s Choir presents “Rise Up Singing!”, on Friday, April 12, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. at Third Avenue United Church in Saskatoon.

The one hundred and twenty voices of the three SCC choirs will present music by Bach, Verdi and Pergolesi, as well as arecontemporary choral selections from England, Ireland, New Zealand and Spain. Also on the program  Canadian folk songs, and works by Canadian composers Sarah Quartel, Leon Dubinsky, James Gordon and Stephen Hatfield. 

The Saskatoon Children's Choir has earned an international reputation for artistic excellence and creative performances that are focused on initiatives promoting global understanding. They have performed on choral stages in Europe, Asia, South Africa, the United States and across Canada. The Concert Choir is preparing to bring Canada’s music to the world this July at the historic Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod in Wales.

The choir is under the artistic direction of Phoebe Voigts, with Michelle Aalders as principal accompanist.

Tickets are $25 and are available at McNally Robinson Booksellers, and at the door. Reserved seating.

For more information, contact
Rita McLeod, SCC General Manager and Communications
Phone 306-374-8077, email:
Or visit the SCC website at and like us on Facebook.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Call for Singers!

 David Pomeroy

Voice Masterclass

RBC Emerging Artists
Limited enrollment - 4 auditioned spaces only

Masterclass sessions will be held July 4, 5 and 6 with a performance in a main stage concert at the Arts and Culture Centre on July 9

Sessions will be recorded for reflection and analysis with David Pomeroy. Accompanists will be provided by Festival 500.

The RBC Emerging Artists Program will award a bursary of $500 to each singer upon completion of the program. Bursaries will be awarded at the July 9 concert.
Apply now. Complete the application form which includes:
  • Brief curriculum vitae
  • Brief description of your level of singing experience
  • Statement of singing goals
  • Video (preferred) or audio recording of a recent performance/rehearsal. Excerpts edited to fifteen minutes.
  • Two musical references
Voice Masterclass fee - $550.00 Canadian dollars

You do not have to be a participant in Festival 500 to experience this extraordinary opportunity to study with David Pomeroy.


Click here for more information

Call for Conductors!

Conducting Masterclass   

RBC Emerging ArtistsWork individually with Sandra Snow between 3-10 July, 2013. 

Limited enrollment - 4 spaces ONLY (Candidate selection by audition only.)
Work with resident choir Cantus Vocum Chamber Choir on preselected repertoire.
Masterclass sessions - July 4, 5 and 6
Sessions are recorded for reflection and analysis with Sandra Snow.
Successful candidates will conduct 1 work in a main stage concert at the Arts and Culture Centre during Festival 500 - July 9, 2013

The RBC Emerging Artists Program will award a bursary of $500 to candidates upon completion of the program. Bursaries will be awarded at the July 9 concert.

To apply you must complete an application form which will include:
  • Brief curriculum vitae
  • Briefly describe your personal level of conducting experience
  • Statement of conducting goals
  • A video recording of a recent performance/rehearsal…excerpts edited not to exceed fifteen minutes
  • Contact information for two musical references.
(Application will not be accepted without video recording.)
Candidates will be notified of acceptance.  Conducting Masterclass fee applies ($550.00 Cdn.), candidates
must be a choir or come solo participant. (Additional fees apply).


Friday, 15 March 2013

Call for Compositions!

2013 Composition Masterclass

In conjunction with the 2013 Saskatchewan New Music Festival held from June 7-9, and in partnership with the Saskatoon Composers Performance Society, all interested young composers are invited to submit original compositions for professional performance and discussion in a Student Masterclass.
The objective of the masterclass is to give young composers a chance to have their music played professionally, discussed, and critiqued by composers, as well as having the opportunity to give them a chance to be exposed to other styles, ideas and repertoire. This is NOT a competition. Parents, teachers and friends are invited to attend. Participating students will also be given free admission to the festival concert that evening.

Click here for more information.

Call for New Chamber Music

2013 Jules Léger Prize for New Chamber Music

This annual prize for Canadian composers, valued at $7,500, is designed to encourage the creation of new chamber music and to foster its performance by Canadian chamber groups.
Spread the word! Please share this information with your community.
Deadline June 1, 2013
Revised Guidelines
Includes recent revisions to the application process. Note: all completed Jules Léger Prize applications and support material must be mailed directly to the Canada Council for the Arts in Ottawa (no longer to the Canadian Music Centre in Toronto).
For more information, contact:
Jeff Morton
Program Officer
1-800-263-5588 (toll-free) or
613-566-4414, ext. 5111

Prix Jules-Léger 2013 de la nouvelle musique de chambre

Date limite : 1er juin 2013

Accordé annuellement, le Prix Jules-Léger de la nouvelle musique de chambre, d‚une valeur de 7 500 $, vise à encourager la création de nouvelles ?uvres de musique de chambre et à favoriser leur exécution par des formations canadiennes de musique de chambre.

Passez le mot! Nous vous invitons à diffuser cette information dans votre communauté.

Lignes directrices révisées

Des révisions ont récemment été apportées au processus de demande. À noter : toutes les demandes dûment remplies présentées dans le cadre du concours du Prix Jules-Léger, ainsi que tous les documents d‚appui, doivent être postés directement au Conseil des arts du Canada à Ottawa (et non plus au Centre de musique canadienne de Toronto).

Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec :

Jeff Morton
Agent de programme
1-800-263-5588 (sans frais) ou
613-566-4414, poste 5111

Wanted: Summer Music Camp Coordinator

The Saskatchewan Music Alliance (SMA) is looking for a qualified individual, in Regina to coordinate, administer, deliver, and evaluate three summer music camps in Regina, Saskatoon, and Prince Albert. These day camps are for at-risk and economically disadvantaged students.
The Camp Coordinator is responsible for delivering these 4-day camps in accordance with established guidelines and policies as outlined in the detailed camp manual. This position will work collaboratively from the beginning of April to the end of July with the SMA Committee, and the camp’s staff. Preference will be given to applicants who have experience with music and administration. 

Competition closes March 22, 2013.

Click here for more information

SCF Announces Saskatchewan Youth Choir!

RAJATON Thrills With "Boundless" Musical Talents!

SCF was proud to present Finnish group, Rajaton, in Saskatoon at the Cathedral of the Holy Family for an exciting workshop and concert on March 6, 2013, as part of this award-winning a cappella group's Canadian Prairie tour. A bona fide pop phenomenon, the group has released 13 albums including platinum, triple platinum and Top World/Folk Album award winners.

Choristers from North Battleford, Prince Albert, Swift Current, Saskatoon, and Regina attended the workshop. Rajaton taught vocal technique to participants and worked on the group’s overall sound. After lunch, they rehearsed Butterfly by Mia Makaroff and We Walk In A Fog by Jussi Chydenius that participants performed with Rajaton in a mass choir of more than 250 voices at the evening concert.

Check out photos, videos and the review of the workshop and concert here >>

Looking for Exposure? Perform at Music for the Sole!

Volunteers! We Need You at Music for the Sole!

Looking for New Music? SCF Has New Rajaton Repertoire!

If you're still reminiscing last week's amazing concert, consider adding a Rajaton classic to your choir's repertoire.  Butterfly, by Mia Makaroff, (performed with Rajaton by workshop participants at the concert on March 6), is brand new to the SCF Choral Library!  Be the first to borrow it!