Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Remembering Diane Loomer

Diane Loomer, C.M. recipient of the Order of Canada, director and founder of Chor Leoni Men's Choir, co-founder and conductor emerita of Elektra Women's Choir, and founder and conductor of EnChor Chamber Choir passed away last night.

Diane's contribution to the Canadian choral music scene cannot be overstated. She was the first woman to conduct the National Youth Choir of Canada; she received the Healey Willan Prize in 1990 for her service to choral music in British Columbia; in 1994, she was named YWCA Vancouver’s Woman of Distinction for Arts and Culture; and in 2002, she was awarded the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal for her significant contribution to Canada’s culture.

In addition to conducting, she has arranged and composed works for choirs and published her arrangements through Cypress Choral Music, founded by Diane and her husband, Richard Loomer.  Diane also received the Order of Canada and is internationally recognized as one of Canada's leading musicians. 

We receive the news of her passing with deep sadness and her absence will be deeply felt throughout the music community.  Our thoughts are with her family and friends, Chor Leoni, Elektra Women's Choir, and EnChor Chamber Choir.  We will treasure the great legacy that she leaves.

A tribute  to Diane Loomer has been put together by the CBC and is available at http://www.cbc.ca/earlyedition/2012/12/11/remembering-diane-loomer/

Get Ready for the Fun Run For Music!

Don't throw away your running shoes because you'll need them for SCF's inaugural Run For Music on Saturday, April 20, 2013!  Get involved, have fun and raise funds for your choir - all at the same time! More details coming soon!

Sing with Rajaton in Saskatoon!

Work with Finnish a cappella group, Rajaton, in Saskatoon on March 6, 2013!  The Finnish word Rajaton translates as "boundless" – a word that so accurately describes the way this six-voice a cappella ensemble approaches music. Regularly performing around a hundred concerts and workshops each year, Rajaton exposes their audiences to the kind of diversity of repertoire, singing style, and stage presentation that has made them a phenomenon on the world stage.

Rajaton's Canadian tour in March includes stops in Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton and Winnipeg.  Through special arrangement with Choral Federations in those three provinces, Rajaton will provide a choir workshop in addition to what will be a sold-out concert. 

Watch for the next edition of Choral E-notes for all the details and make plans to be in Saskatoon on March 6th!

Click here for more details or to register for this exciting event!

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Music Director Wanted

i Coristi Chamber Choir is an auditioned mixed chamber choir of 20 to 24 volunteer singers located in Edmonton, Alberta and is searching for a new Music Director.

Music Director:
*Provides musical and artistic leadership.
*Works with the artistic team, Administrative Director, and Executive in planning the concert season, and in selecting an Assistant Conductor and Accompanist as needed.
*Attends Executive meetings and participates in budgeting and strategic planning.

Responsibilities include selecting concert repertoire and formulating programs, ordering music (in consultation with the executive), auditioning choir members annually, preparing rehearsal schedules, leading rehearsals, and conducting concerts.

Candidates should have:
*A graduate degree in choral conducting, and have had several years of experience directing adult choirs. Other combinations of qualifications and experience may be considered.
*A demonstrated ability to communicate clearly, work collaboratively, and have a strong interest in working with singers of varying levels of skill and background.  

The initial appointment will commence July 1, 2013 for a period of 2 years, with the possibility of renewal. The honorarium will be commensurate with qualifications.

Applications should be sent electronically to Search Committee Chair icoristiapplications@gmail.com by February 1, 2013.

For more information about i Coristi Chamber Choir, please visit www.icoristi.com.

Welcome Them Home for the Holidays

The Regina Airport Authority is looking for a small choir to perform in its Arrivals area the week before Christmas, December 16 - 23.  It is looking for individuals and/or groups to perform at various times throughout the above dates.  A small honorarium will be available in lieu of time and effort.  If you are interested and would like more details about this opportunity please contact Kari Dean (Director of Communications, Regina Airport Authority) at kdean@yqr.ca.

Monday, 3 December 2012

List Your Choral Events With Us!

Every choral concert should have a little more exposure.  SCF invites you to add your choral concerts and events to our online calendar.  To list your event with us, visit http://www.saskchoral.ca/index.cfm and do the following:
  1. Click on a green calendar date in one of the calendars appearing on the left side of the page.
  2. A smaller window will open up.  Click "Click here to ADD a new event"
  3. Select the correct date(s) when your event will occur.
  4. Tell us the name of your concert or event in the "Event Name" text box.
  5. Briefly describe your event in the "Event Description" text box.  Be sure to include your ticket information and a contact phone number (if one is available).
  6. Tell us where your event will occur in the "Event Location" text box.  Don't forget to include the town and street name.
  7. List the scheduled start and end time for your event in the text boxes that follow.  A website and contact email can also be included with your event listing.
Contact the SCF office at (306) 780-9230 or information@saskchoral.ca if you have any questions about listing your event.

Library Reminder

This is a reminder that loaned library music is due December 30, 2012.  If you would like to extend your loan into the Winter semester (January - May) contact the SCF office at (306) 780-9230 or email information@saskchoral.ca.  Please make arrangements to return your borrowed music to:
Saskatchewan Choral Federation
1870 Lorne Street

Grant Deadline Reminder

Don't forget to submit your applications for the following SCF grants:

Choral Festival Funding
Spring/Summer Festivals - due January 1, 2013
Fall Festivals - due March 1, 2013

Special Project Funding
Ongoing deadline.  Applications are due a minimum of 30 days before the beginning of the project.

Visit the SCF website for more information about available grant funding

Apply for Vocal Music Scholarships from Sing Canada Harmony

Sing Canada Harmony Scholarship Fund is a registered charity created to provide financial assistance for educational and training opportunities in singing vocal music performance, vocal music leadership, vocal music administration and vocal music composition, arrangement, adjudication and staging.  Sing Canada Harmony will fund learning opportunities for Canadians throughout the communities and schools in our country, particularly young people, to gain expertise and experience in the field of a cappella vocal music harmony singing in quartets and choruses.

Principal learning opportunities supported by Sing Canada Harmony scholarships for Canadians, while all inclusive of the music community to some degree, are typically those sponsored by the Barbershop Harmony Society, Sweet Adelines International and Harmony, Inc. 

Apply for a scholarship - Next application deadline is March 1, 2013